FinTech4Good Convenes 2019 Blockchain Legal Academy on Sep 16 & 17
[New York City, USA July 30, 2019] – Following the success of the 2019 New York Security Token Forum (NYSTF2019) on April 12th, FinTech4Good will host the 2019 Blockchain Legal Academy on Sep 16 & 17 in New York City.

Security Token Offering (STO) has emerged as a new and compliant model to raise fund in 2018. It is estimated that STOs will grow to $10 trillion in the coming 10 years. However, STO is still in a very early stage and many traditional investors and companies are not well informed of the potential challenges and benefits of security tokens. In partner with DLA Piper, a leading multinational law firm with deep knowledge on security tokens, FinTech4Good curated a Legal Blockchain Academy with a focus on smart securities.
The Legal Blockchain Academy is a one-day premier training program which aims to provide legal and business professionals a comprehensive overview of how to comply with legislations to issue and trade security tokens in the USA. We also invite blockchain leaders to discuss the technical aspect in issuing and trading security tokens in multi jurisdictions.
Here are the 5 things you should know about the 2019 Blockchain Legal Academy:
6 customized modules taught by leading experts in security token industry;
Develop a comprehensive understanding of the legal aspects of security tokens within a day;
1 year of individual membership for DeFi Alliance ($299 value)
Evening reception with top blockchain industrial leaders in the center of Manhattan
A Blockchain Legal Certificate issued by DeFi Alliance after successful completion
Following the Blockchain Legal Academy, we will organize a World DeFi Forum (WDF) in New York on September 24, 2019. For speaking or sponsorship opportunities, please contact: for more information.
Event website:
About DeFi Alliance
DeFi Alliance is an international trade association created for decentralized financial market professionals to connect, collaborate and convene to celebrate the emergence of a healthy global DeFi ecosystem. The DeFi Alliance's mission is to drive the global adoption of DeFi technology and co-create a transparent, low cost, and trust-able decentralized financial system.
About FinTech4Good
FinTech4Good (FT4G) is a global network which connects start-ups, investors, industry leaders and public sectors to introduce impactful fintech and blockchain solutions to frontier markets through education, advisory, media, incubation, acceleration and investment. FinTech4Good organized the NYC Security Token Forum and published the STO Handbook and many security token related reports in the past. We also offer security token related consulting services in multiple markets.
About DLA Piper
DLA Piper is a global law firm with lawyers located in more than 40 countries throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the Asia. Our multi-disciplinary team around the world leverages the technology experience of our Corporate, Financial Markets, Financial Services, Regulatory, Tax, and Intellectual Property and Technology practices to offer integrated, full service legal solutions to assist our clients to navigate the increasingly complex environment at the intersection of transactions, technology and regulation. DLA Piper’s Blockchain and Digital Assets group offers strategic advice on a global basis to address the needs of companies implementing blockchain technology solutions and creating and deploying digital assets.
About BlockGlobe
BlockGlobe is a global digital media and information platform dedicated to produce high-quality digital contents in blockchain & cryptocurrency. We connect global thought leaders to discover new trends, feature impactful stories and foster powerful collaborations across multiple jurisdictions.