LATTICE80 x FinTech4Good – Top 100 Fintech for SDG Influencers

[Washington D.C., USA, April 22, 2019] LATTICE80, in cooperation with FinTech4Good, presents the complete list of Top 100 Fintech for SDG Influencers who are leveraging the power of fintech and blockchain technology to create a positive impact on the future.

The Sustainable Development Goals are a collection of 17 global goals set by world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 to create a better world by 2030. They serve to be the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all by setting clear targets addressing global challenges we face as a human race.
At its core, the advancement of technology, including fintech and blockchain, is about changing and improving current systems to build a better future for all around the world.
For one, fintech has allowed us to go beyond the structures and ways of the traditional financial system to reach the underbanked and unbanked, improving financial inclusion and bringing us a step towards poverty eradication and improving inequalities.
Beyond that, blockchain technology can also be harnessed to advance numerous causes beyond financial inclusion, from supply chain provenance, improving energy efficiency, to tracking of data to minimize pollution. By taking a step towards improving these pressing issues today, we are taking charge to create a better and more liveable world for all and future for generations to come.
This list thus serves to highlight key leaders who have been at the forefront of championing impact-driven use cases of fintech and blockchain – whether it be as an entrepreneur starting a new project or community, an enabler from the research of academic institute, a corporate, or an investor investing in social impact.
Key Highlights from the list
41 women and 59 men were included.
The 5 cities which saw the greatest number of Fintech for SDG influencers were: London (14), New York (12), Washington D.C. (9), Singapore (6), and San Francisco (4).
41 influencers hold key management positions in impact-focused fintech and blockchain startups and projects; 40 spearhead efforts in enablers such as accelerators, government agencies, support communities, event and forum organizers or research institutes; 14 are investors directly investing impact-driven projects or providing platforms facilitating such investments; and 5 are from corporates.
We will conduct interviews with these Influencers and showcase their FinTech for SDG work. Please check our website or write to us to get the latest interviews.
Congratulations to all the champions for impact on this list! Onward and upward!

LATTICE80 is a global Fintech hub with more than 11,000 startups and 200,000 professionals on our database. We are committed to supporting and enabling fintech and blockchain startups that promote social impact causes by leveraging on our network of global partners. LATTICE80 has more recently launched our SDG focused blockchain accelerator based in Hong Kong. Indicate your interest to be part of the accelerator here to begin the conversation with us.
FinTech4Good is a global network which connects start-ups, investors, industry leaders and public sectors to introduce impactful fintech and blockchain solutions to the frontier markets through our incubation, acceleration and investment programs. We will feature the Top 100 Fintech for SDG Influencers at the World Responsible Technology Forum on September 25, 2019.
Disclaimer: The list has been arranged in alphabetical and not in rank. Also, in case you think we have missed someone or wish to suggest a correction, please drop us a line on:
Click here to get the whole list of Top 100 Fintech for SDG Influencers: