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FinTech4Good 2019 Highlights

Here are the 2019 FinTech4Good event highlights:

· FinTech4Good at the Astana Blockchain Hub

FinTech4Good President Xiaochen Zhang gave a lecture for the blockchain community in Astana Blockchain Hub. The country is ready to support the global fintech and blockchain innovations and make Astana a hub for fintech innovation.

· FinTech4Good at the UN Meeting on SDGs

FinTech4Good President Xiaochen Zhang presented on how blockchain can be applied in driving ambition and improve attribution challenges that the global community is facing in achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

· FinTech4Good at GBN show at New York Stock Exchange

FinTech4Good President Xiaochen Zhang gave an interview with Vince and Patrica on Blockchain trends and FinTech4Good's exciting programs in 2019.

· FinTech4Good at the Economist Investing in Impact Conference

FinTech4Good President Xiaochen Zhang presented on the "A NEW AGE OF INVESTING TECHNOLOGY" panel. In this panel we will analyse how new technologies will affect impact investing. From artificial intelligence to the blockchain, what is hype and what is reality?

· FinTech4Good at the Technology Conference in NYC- Feb.13, 2019

Four invited guests include active tech investors and our expert speakers will provide a fascinating overview on the latest developments and trends in AI, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Fin-Tech, Med-Tech, Smart Cities and Impact Investing via Opportunity Zones

  • FinTech4Good at TokenizeIt Conference in NYC- Feb.15, 2019

Panel Discussion "Tokenization Use Cases"

Moderator: John Biggs, Editor-in-Chief of The Block Crypto

Panelists Michael Averbach, CEO of MDW Xiaochen Zhang, President at Fintech4Good Victor T. Samuel, Founder and CEO at NV Global Ventures Michael Gaffney, CEO of Galaxa John Slyusarev, Managing Partner at SMC Capital and Investor in everiToken

  • FinTech4Good at The KoreSummit in Miami on Feb. 20, 2019

The KoreSummit is KoreConX’s premier, invitation-only event for companies, investors, partners, advisors, influencers, and media.


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