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FinTech4Good Co-hosted the World Blockchain Forum New York 2018

On November 8th and 9th 2018, co-hosted by FinTech4Good, the World Blockchain Forum was convened at New York Hilton Midtown. This forum brought together more than 2,500 people from the world as well as leading industry experts to discuss the future of Security Token Offerings (STO), blockchain investment and token economy.

Among the keynote speakers, are prestigious blockchain technology developers, cryptocurrency trading practitioners, security token offering innovation leaders and tech-savvy investors. Nelson Chu, Founder and CEO of Cadencee shared his view on unlocking the potential of institutional investment in security tokens. Aaron Cai, General Business Manager at Tencent Blockchain, spoke about the upward spiral of technology and stated that blockchain is a new way of thinking.

Keynote speech session at the World Blockchain Forum.

Following the insightful keynote speeches, STO panel discussions centered around the challenges, opportunities, regulations and best practices for STOs. Han Verstraete, Founder and CEO of Otomomos, spoke about the benefits of smart contracts as aware shares. Joel Dietz, President of Swarm Research, also highlighted the potential of automation in strengthening governance and shaping the future of date-drive approaches to impact investment. Alex Nascimento, CO-Founder of UCLA Blockchain Lab, shared recent updates of the lab and his perspectives on streaming the issuance and liquidity processes within the tech community. Panelists also stated that they are positive about the rising trend of STOs and shared the view that STO will dominate the blockchain capital raising market in the near future.

Panel Discussion on the STO regulation challenges.

The stable coin panel in the afternoon featured new stable coin issuers including USDC, Ndau, Saga and Quintric. Panelists had a heated discussion on the monetary policy, associated risks, stable coin governance and stabilization mechanisms.

In the meantime, the Sharkchain TV show, a competition television series for innovative blockchain and revolutionary technology companies, is happening at the other end of the conference room. Xiaochen Zhang, President of FinTech4Good, served as an investor judge, together with other world class investors, to review and select the innovative business solutions proposed by visionary entrepreneurs.

Xiaochen Zhang, President of FinTech4Good, featured at the SharkChain TV Show.

On November 9th 2018, Slava Robin, Founder of Indiegogo, gave a keynote speech on how blockchain technology has changed the way of fundraising by eliminating the middleman and allowing investor from any place in the world to invest, which makes it possible for people to trade 24/7. Andre Roman, CEO of 7BC.VC, projected that China and the U.S. will be the major markets for blockchain technology markets in 20 years, including blockchain infrastructure protocols, blockchain retail investments, consumer-centered Fintech etc., and that more legal compliance will be in place to support the fast development of this industry.

In the discussion session on how blockchain will move forward, Xiaochen Zhang also presented and proposed the Responsible Blockchain Framework (RBF) to accelerate innovative blockchain solutions for broader social good. He pointed out that “Green, Inclusive and Innovative” should be integrated as the core values of blockchain applications to make it not only financially viable, but also environmentally and socially responsible.

Xiaochen also introduced the Responsible Blockchain World Championship (RBWC) to the audience, which is an ongoing initiative led by FinTech4Good to select, incubate and accelerate impactful blockchain enterprises to achieve the vision of RBF.

Xiaochen Zhang, President of FinTech4Good, presented on Responsible Blockchain Framework at the World Blockchain Forum.

The World Blockchain Forum has attracted unprecedented interests and enthusiasm from investors, entrepreneurs, academia and traditional financial industry practitioners. It is anticipated that it will spark more confidence in the blockchain field with a greater participation and collaboration among other industries.


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